The housing market has stayed competitive for months, and if you’re like most property owners, you’ve probably considered selling one of your homes. But is this the right time?
Selling is a big decision, and pinpointing the perfect time to make your move can be challenging.
Here are a few questions to consider if you want to explore what it would look like to put a home on the market soon.
Has your property increased in value? Homeowners have gained record-setting equity over the last few years. Determining your property value can give you an idea of your potential profits. Then, you can consider if you could put these funds to better use elsewhere.
Has your lifestyle changed? Most homeowners outgrow a property at some point, no matter how nice it may be. It might be too small, you may want to downsize, or you might want different features or a change in scenery.
Do you have another property or a plan for where you’ll go next? If you have a second home, then selling one could be an easy decision. If you’d need to purchase a new home, be sure to keep the logistics and busy market conditions in mind.
Have you discussed the details with everyone involved? Selling your house isn’t something you should do on the spur of the moment. This sale will mean big changes, both financially and in your day-to-day life, so be sure everyone in your household is on the same page.
Have you established your goals (and communicated them clearly)? When you’re ready, let’s discuss your needs and wants and create a plan that makes sense for you. Once clear goals are established, we can work together to find what you’re looking for.
Still not sure if it’s the right time to sell? Get in touch to discuss your options today.